Day 9: A day in the life of a Photographer
Sick of me yet? ha! Well today was less than exceptional to report but has a funny part and a NOT SO FUNNY part at the end. It was filled mostly with errand running and working on my website.
I did manage to fit in a massage with my MOST fabulous massage therapist and business guru at Absolute Body Balance. I have been going to her for probably 11 years now. She has become a good friend and advisor over the years. She is absolutely brilliant. She has fabulous ideas, great technical knowledge and is a successful business owner. My sessions with her I should probably pay her triple for taking care of my body, mind and business! I highly recommend her business. All of her massage therapists are incredible!
After that it was a short trip to the post office and camera store for some much needed supplies. I spent too much as usual. If on a budget the camera store for me is an evil place! ; ) But I can say Tony the owner ofSoutheastern Camera is AWESOME! They have the highest integrity and are very knowledgeable. It is the ONLY place I shop in Raleigh and I have tried many places over the last 11 years.
Thanks to Tony I did stumble upon a FABULOUS store. A&B Store Fixtures of Raleigh on Capital blvd. I was looking for one of those long poles that you use in a retail store to pull clothes off the top of displays. I saw one of Tony's employees using one so I immediately went to Tony and said "WHERE DID YOU GET THAT? I HAVE TO HAVE ONE!" Being a short person I figured it would be great for helping me change my backdrops quickly. So I go in and this place is definitely designed to sell to retail stores. There are all kinds of crazy mannequins everywhere. It was kind of creepy at first feeling like people were all around you, staring at you. But after about 5 minutes you get used to it and barely notice them. Pretty funny though. I was looking at a display that I was considering buying when one of the mannequins moved. I about jumped out of my skin! Well, I guess I got so used to those mannequins that I didn't even notice it was a REAL person next to me! ha ha! I think I scared him as much as he scared me.
A couple more errands then finally home. The not so funny thing? I found out I did about 150 transactions incorrectly on my website. Oh JOY! So I get to undo those 150 then spend another couple hours or more RE-DOING that same 150. I won't bore you with the details but I am guessing about 4-5 hours of work ahead of me on that one and I still have my cute little baby photography shoot to finish. Alas...
Here are some of the cute things I bought at the retail supply store! Aren't they adorable? I am considering selling bird cage veils and rings etc. out of the studio. Any thoughts on that would be MUCH appreciated? A want or no?
Below are some of the fun things I bought today! Sometimes I wonder if I ever REALLY make any money or if I just support a really expensive habit???
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