WWII Camera
On a recent visit to my Grandfather's we of coarse talked about photography. What my new strategies for the business were, clients I had photographed, and new techniques I was trying out. When we paused in the conversation he said, "Follow me upstairs." I followed him quietly not sure what we were doing. Was he going to show me where more paperwork was so if he was unable to care for himself I would know where they were? Oddly, he went to one of the spare bedrooms where I know he didn't keep paperwork. He pulled open a drawer and pulled out a WWII reflex camera. We went on further to say that the first images ever taken from a submarine were taken by him. These were published in life magazine although sadly he didn't get the photo credit for it. His first images were of an enemy vessel sinking in the pacfic with the crew on on deck as it was going down. Of coarse those crew members I am sure became prisoners of war although I didn't specifically ask. To my excitement he let me take the camera so I could play with it. I will post my images when I can finally locate someone who still sells film! ha ha! Here are some images I took of the camera as well as a picture of the sub that he took some of the pictures from.

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