2007 A Year in Review

What an exciting month. More so on the personal side than the business side. Little Miss Hannah was born in the wee hours of the morning - quite by surprise. She was scheduled days later for a c-section and ended up being born natural!

Little Hannah
Doesn't she look like an angel?
While recovering after labor and delivery Diane got caught up on her Yearly books for her oldest daughter who is now three. She does a page for each month in the year. Here are a couple from the 2007 book.
Doesn't she look like an angel?
While recovering after labor and delivery Diane got caught up on her Yearly books for her oldest daughter who is now three. She does a page for each month in the year. Here are a couple from the 2007 book.

With 2 photographers on maternity leave and Thanksgiving festivities this proves to be a big family month!
Even though Diane was on maternity leave and 9 months pregnant she managed to photograph her nephew's wedding the WEEK before little Hannah came! At one point she got down on the floor and couldn't get back up with out using one of the guest's knee. I am sure he was QUITE surprised!
Congrats Seth & Becca!

Amanda shot this wedding with only 2 weeks left before her due date! You rock Amanda. It is so obvious how happy the bride and groom were on their big day. The combination of their obvious love for each other and the colors they chose were amazing for the incredible pictures!

Shot at the beautiful Country Club of North Carolina in Pinehurst this wedding was so classic. It was a beautiful day and the bride and groom looked amazing. Thanks for the Christmas card Lani!

These were shot at Melissa's mother's home. It made for some great window light and a more intimate feel.

What a busy month! Here are just a couple of the weddings we shot this month.
Randi & Eric
Congrats to Randi and Eric. This was a huge bash at North Ridge that Diane and Amanda shot together. This one of Amanda's shots. Randi and Eric both really know how to have fun! The party raged on and on! Congrats!

We just love beach weddings! They are always so fun and make for some great images. They had such cute details too. Diane's niece, a budding photographer in her own right, came along to shoot as well.

What a sweet bride and a groom to match! This wedding was shot just south of Cary at Shady Wagon Farm. What a unique place for a wedding. How cute are they?!

Another great wedding at North Ridge!

Another Pinehurst wedding! Met my first try Pinehurst locals!

Heather & Tim
Our 7-7-07 Bride and Groom! This date booked out over a year & a half in advance!

June was about the craziest month ever. Diane's family moved but were homeless for about 3 weeks. Since she is responsible for most of the after wedding production: posting images, sending cd's and designing albums it was crazy with no home to live. They spent the 3 weeks living at the family's beach house but it had no internet access. She would have to drive to her brother's to upload weddings. It was crazy but even with all the craziness all weddings were retouched and posted within 2-3 weeks! The second week they were there, they were visited by old family friends from Houston. Here is the family portrait Diane took while they were there.
We finally have a house!
After 3 weeks we finally get into our new house. The house has a separate entrance into the office where the future Studio will be housed. 

You should have heard the best man's toast. I have never laughed so hard! It is one I will surely remember!!!

Betsy loved shooting this wedding. The bride & groom not to mention the wedding guests really had a great time.

A true honor! Thanks to all of her past brides who voted for her!

This was QUITE an eventful wedding. The limo actually got into a car accident on the way to the wedding. This prompted a trip to the emergency room. We ended up having the ceremony in the Hospital wedding chapel. Once Elyse was given the all clear by the doctors it was back to Caffe Luna for the reception. That is one story for the children and grand children!

Another one of my sweet brides. She is so loving! I think she probably had 20-30 kids at her reception from all her years of babysitting. They all just loved her and wanted to hug her the whole time. I wish you were still babysitting now! My little munchkins would love you! Diane

These are some of Megan & Stephanie's bridal portraits. They are sisters who were married within 1 month of each other.Their parents survived it all fortunately. They certainly make BEAUTIFUL children. All the girls in that family are gorgeous!

I strive everyday to be more like her. She was always kind and thought of other people first. She was also an astute business person with great vision and compassion.
And the absolute BEST mother a person could wish for...

Valerie is one of the most full of life people I know. She is very adventurous. I am sure she will continue her new adventures now with Marc! I hate that I couldn't shoot this one but Betsy said it was amazing and did a GREAT job! You looked FABULOUS!
Thanks Betsy!

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