Day 31: A day in the life of a photographer
I guess I need to rename my title huh? Because really it has become 2 days in the life of a photographer. Well the last two day have been very busy although it is a bit of a blur. Ordering Save the Dates for clients, lots of back and forth email on differing products, wedding dates, consultations or explanations of packages and the biggest chunk devoted to editing my bridal session. What most people don't realize about photography is that for every one hour of shooting we have about 2 hours of editing behind the scenes. And that assumes you are an experienced pro that shoots pretty much on target without a lot of mistakes to correct. That doesn't even include backing up and burning all the files ( A MAJOR TASK WHICH I HATE) but clearly VERY important, album designs, proofs to order, packaging, shipping and I could go on and on. Someday I am going to time every piece of the puzzle and REALLY know how much time a wedding takes. And of course some shoot require more editing that others. My infant sessions always require more retouching because their skin can be kind of flakey or blotchy and let's face it they are so stinking cute I am not letting them go out the door like that! Same for a bride who has been stressed out and has just that one little blemish that yes make up helps to hide but the camera can be SO TRUTHFUL at times. That one doesn't usually sneak out of my studio either.
Today was a little more low key since I stayed up till about 3am last night finishing my bridal and posted it in the am. That left me free to check my 2 hours of emails. (Yes, I spend between 2-3 hours each day corresponding on email.) I am STILL astounded about that but I guess after being in business for almost 10 years you get a lot of new inquiries, really old ones, random ones and not to mention all the spam! But the majority of the day was spent on backing up photoshoots to disk and writing my business plan for the year. It feels good to put it on paper. I was always anal with New Years Resolutions until I had my first child, then there just isn't that time for introspection I guess. So this was a lot like that... And I liked it. I wrote down what I really want my business to be in the next 5 years for me and for my clients. It is a good feeling. Now mind you on a side note I had a whole other computer downloading my video for the whole year of the family. Nothing like multitasking on 3 computers at one time. I must be insane or severely ADD. (Which by the way, my brother Caid says I am...) Good problem to have when you are juggling a business, two little one's at home and I won't even pretend I juggle the house because anyone who has been over knows I got over that a LONG time ago.
I rounded off the day with a bike ride with the girls then off to dinner with my favorite photographer friends. We have a group of girlfriends who are all in photography that we try to get together AT LEAST once a month. Sometimes we all make it but most of the times we are missing one or two but this was a very close to having everyone night. It was so fun to hang out with people who 'get' your life. They get it as a Mom, they get it as a photographer and they get it as a wife. I love you girls and thank you for being such WONDERFUL friends. (That is the two glasses of champagne coming out!) ha ha! Speaking of which being a bit of a tea totaler (is that right?) I hope this doesn't sound like alcoholic rambling in the morning. Oh and if you think the bad grammar is a result of the champagne let me help you with that one.... It's not. I always got A's over C's in English. A's in content, C's in grammar and I never seemed to get it. So hopefully you can over look it. I have some pictures from the park where we rode our bikes but sadly they are sitting in the camera downstairs. Maybe I can get them up in the morning before you read this post but for now my bed is calling me. Only 3 hours of sleep makes this photographer grumpy and tired. Goodnight!!