Duke Gardens & Strawberry Picking
The last month has been amazing with all the trees and flowers blooming. I have done so many bridal portraits and engagement portraits I couldn't resist taking my favorites subjects to shoot (of course) my munchkins! Katie is 3 years old and I have been dying to take her out here and take her pictures. Every time I am out shooting a bridal or engagement portrait I think about it. So finally I did it! Here is a little sample of our shoot.

With the weather being so beautiful and my children wanting to be out of the house we took the day to go strawberry picking. Hannah was in the bijourn the whole time while Katie ran around with her friends trying to find the biggest strawberry. I love spring. It is such a great time of year despite wedding season being in full bloom as well! P.S. the boy with the big strawberry is her 'boyfriend' carter!

With the weather being so beautiful and my children wanting to be out of the house we took the day to go strawberry picking. Hannah was in the bijourn the whole time while Katie ran around with her friends trying to find the biggest strawberry. I love spring. It is such a great time of year despite wedding season being in full bloom as well! P.S. the boy with the big strawberry is her 'boyfriend' carter!